A Little About Me and My Family

Hello world! U can call me Jo. Im a 31 year old mother of 3 daughters. They’re ages are 14, 10, and 8 and they are my heart and my entire world. I work a part time, minimum wage job ($8 an hour or so here). My husband works full time at a fork lift repair company out of earth city, which is about an hour and a half away. We live literally paycheck to paycheck, and sometimes they don’t even make it from one to the next. He is a navy veteran with PTSD and anxiety, I have horrible anxiety and depression, so we actually make a pretty good match because we both can’t stand to be in crowds and our temperaments mingle well lol. Not saying anything bad about him, but he’s always been the safe, good boy, mommas boy type. Never battled drugs, never knocked any girls up, ya know…a good guy. Me on the other hand….I drank more than the average teenager in high school. At one point I was a full blown functioning alcoholic before I was even old enough to buy it. After my girl’s father and I divorced when I was 25, any day that I didn’t have my girls and I wasn’t at work, I was drinking. I worked 2 full time jobs to support me and my girls…which led to the meth use. It wasn’t tht I really needed it, but I needed it to be able to do what I had to do to provide for my girls. I got 4 days off from work a month, and tht was IF I didn’t get called in. Their dad and I decided that we wanted the custody agreement to be true joint. Kids need to see their father or mother more than just every other weekend. I’ll make an example because it’s kinda hard to put into words without confusing some ppl

Monday- mom, Tuesday- mom, Wednesday morning- mom, Wednesday afternoon- dad, Thursday- dad, Friday morning- dad, weekends are alternated. On his weekends, the girls stay with him from Wednesday to Sunday. On my weekends, I get them Friday to Wednesday.

So, back to the 2 full time jobs, I was working Monday through Friday at a nursing home about 45 minutes away, and Wednesday through Sunday I was bartending at a vfw hall about 30 minutes away. I would go straight from my nursing home job to my bartending job Wednesday to Friday, and opened at 9 to tend bar on Saturdays and Sundays. Every day started at 6 am and didn’t end until about 3 am by the time I was finally off work and home for the night, just to get up and go again in 3 hours…this is where drugs came in to save the day!! I know how bad the sounds, but before u categorize me in with all the other no good, piece of shit druggies tht don’t take care of their kids and would rather spend their money on drugs…my kids clothes were bought before anything else, bills were paid before anything else, groceries in house before anything else, diapers and wipes bought before anything else, gas in vehicle before anything else, and spending money for them and to take then to do things with, all came out before I ever spent it on shit to help me! So if anyone wants to mouth me about that, don’t be offended when I laugh at u and tell u to go fuck urself! Anyway….

I married they’re father when I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. I had Kylee, my oldest, in the middle of my junior year at 17 years old. Needless to say, or at least I’d think so, she was not planned and I don’t think I’ve ever been so…not scared…unsure to say the least. Yes, I had taken care of my little sister like she was my own from the time I was 11 and my parents got divorced (My mom worked 70+ hours a week to support us), got her up and ready for school in the morning, made her dinner after school, cleaned the apartment, made sure she had her homework and bath done and in bed by bedtime.

But this was different…this was mine tht I made. I was in high school and was gonna have a crying baby keeping me up most of the night, trying to get both her and I ready before school each morning, and her taking her  to a babysitter. How the hell was I gonna do all this and make it to tht diploma tht I refused to let slip away?? For me, I was having a baby, there was no other option. There’s probably a lot of ppl about to get butthurt…abortion should only be an option if for some reason tht baby is not gonna make it, it has some disease or genetic defect that’s gonna cause it to be in constant pain it’s entire life, and rape. Now I don’t mean some little 16 year old running around thinking she’s cute by sleeping with 19 or 20 year old guys then bam prego and gonna cry rape so my momma don’t beat my ass like I need! I mean actual rape. And there’s a couple reasons tht I feel the way I do about this: 1. If ur not gonna be able to take care of a child, absolutely don’t want one, or are still a child urself living with ur mom and dad and don’t even support urself…stay off of ur back or deal with the consequences of what u chose to do, don’t take the easy way out, put on ur big girl panties, buckle down and get ur shit together cuz u now have a life depending on u solely to nurture it, protect it, teach it, and raise it to not be a mistake but ur biggest accomplishment.  2. There are so many ppl in the world tht pray day after day for a baby, spend thousands of dollars on procedures to try to get pregnant. Good ppl tht deserve to be able to have the joy of a baby. Gay couples tht want children. There’s no reason for abortion when u could easily give tht baby to someone since u don’t want it anyway.

Moving on…i had my 10 year old (Kaylee) when I was 21, and my 7 year old (kaydence) when I was 23. I graduated from high school on time and actually found out later tht I was actually done with all my graduating credits by the end of my first semester of senior year and didn’t have to complete 2nd semester like I did. I’ve started college on 2 different occasions but had to quit a couple years on each time to work because we couldn’t afford to only have 1 income. I studied business management accounting for 3 semesters and carried a 3.5 GPA the first time, then forensic investigation for 2 semesters with a 3.5 and was planning on working my way to pathologist. So much for getting the education for a good paying job…hello convenience stores, gas stations, fast food restaurants, and bar tending 😦 no offense to anyone on these job fields by no means. I just had bigger goals for myself and had the opportunity ripped away not just once but twice. It’s frustrating, stressful, and tht was my way of making sure my girls could have a life like I never had, the name brand clothes so they’re in the popular clique at school and not a loaner like I was in my hand me downs and Wal-Mart clothes, a nice big home, actually having the money to be able to take them places like theme parks, movies, etc.

So anyway, this is me. I’m a straight forward person, I try to help anyone I can any way I can, I don’t believe in entitlement, if u want something be prepared to work for it, and there’s too much hate in the world today. So if ur part of the hate spreading like a disease, keep tht shit to urself
